
We are delighted you have stopped by OGESCO Multinational Limited career page. Please take a moment and peruse each section and corresponding links. It’s our hope you will find a job that matches your interest, and you will choose OGESCO as your new place to work and advance your professional career.

OGESCO is an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on grounds of race, gender or religion. We value diversity, and implement an open-door policy at each step of our hiring process. If you think you are proactive, innovative, a team player and self-motivated, then fill in your information and upload all relevant documents that can promote your candidacy.

Why Work for us?

Unsurprisingly, there’s more than one answer to this question
1. We provide development opportunities including: setting goals for your professional development that align with achieving your work unit’s (i.e. OGESCO’s) business objectives.
2. We provide on-the-job training which will help build the knowledge, skills and attributes to remain competitive
3. We provide opportunity to work along with great minds who will mentor and monitor your career growth.

We want you to come join our team.

Simply click on THIS LINK and complete our employment form to start the process.